
What is Reiki? 

Reiki, pronounced ‘ray-key’, is a form of healing developed in Japan by Buddhist Monk, Mikao Usui, in the early part of the 20th century. The name Reiki originates from the Japanese words ‘rei’ meaning ‘universal’ and ‘ki’ meaning ‘energy’.  

In a Reiki treatment this universal energy is channelled through the practitioner to the recipient, healing the whole body, emotionally and physically. A Reiki treatment is a wonderful experience providing a feeling of total relaxation and well-being.  

The Science Bit  

If, like me, you like to understand how something works logically, this can be tricky when it comes to Reiki as it is not yet fully understood. There is, however, an increasing amount of research being done in this field and the scientific community now recognise Reiki as a tangible and measurable therapy. This research and the undeniable positive effects of Reiki have led to a large number of hospitals and hospices in the UK and around the world offering a Reiki service, alongside western medicine, to help patients heal quicker and require less pain relief.  

I have included below a summary of my own studies and research. However, not being a scientist myself, I would also like to cite Amanda Johnson’s paper, ‘How Reiki Works – The Science Bit’ from the ‘elephant’ for the finer details regarding the workings of the myofascial system:

When we think about energy we normally think of higher vibrations such as light, sound, colour and heat. These are all types of energy that although we cannot see the flow of energy itself, we can experience the end result of: we can see it or hear it for example.  

Then there is the opposite – matter - objects that we perceive to be sturdy and solid. If you cast your mind back to physics class at school you may remember energy theory teaches us that this distinction isn’t entirely correct. Although we may perceive items such as a table or chair to be solid they are not. Matter is made from the same small particles as all energy: atoms and molecules, they are just vibrating at a much lower and slower rate. Everything then, including the human body, is energy and science tells us that there are frequencies infinitely beyond our sphere of perception.    

One of the most important systems, yet less researched, of the human body is the myofascial system. This system is a mesh of tubes made from collagen filled with a very fine fluid and links all parts of the body. This system carries signals in the form of tiny electrical light impulses, which are said to be the smallest sparks of conscious energy allowing all cells to communicate with one another. The myofascial system has seven major points where there is more fascia than in other areas of the body which directly correspond to the seven main energy centres, commonly known as chakras. It is thought that trauma can cause energy blockages in these areas and indeed around the entire body, which in turn can lead to both emotional and physical ailments. With this in mind standard Reiki treatments tend to focus on the seven main chakras.  

All good practitioners should have gone through the proper attunements with a Reiki Master who has a direct lineage back to Mikao Usui and in addition practice Reiki on themselves daily. This helps to facilitate a connection to the higher Reiki frequencies, which they are able to channel through their own electromagnetic field into their crown chakra, through their bodies, into their heart and out through their hands into the recipients own electromagnetic field. The practitioner therefore acts as a conduit directing the healing energy to where it is needed most, releasing any blockages, starting the healing process and activating the body’s own ability to heal itself.  

Who is Reiki for? 

Reiki is a non-invasive treatment, which can safely be used by people of all ages including newborn babies, pregnant mothers, surgical patients, the elderly and frail. It can be used as a stand-alone-therapy, alongside western medicine or alongside other complimentary therapies regardless of whether you are religious, atheist or spiritualist.  

No longer considered a nonsense, Reiki is now recognised for its healing abilities and is offered across a wide variety of healthcare settings including: GP surgeries, hospitals, post-operative recovery, hospices, cancer support groups, HIV/AIDS centers, drug rehabilitation groups, prisons and in the care of the elderly.     

Benefits of Reiki  

There are no known contraindications to receiving a Reiki treatment; it can truly be used to help heal any ailment whether physical (illness or injury), mental, emotional or spiritual.  

A Reiki treatment calms the mind and body allowing it to relax completely which promotes a sense of peace, calm and wellbeing. In turn, this state boosts the body’s immune system and begins the healing process. With this in mind, clients can use regular Reiki treatments as a preventative treatment to improve overall health or for a specific ailment. I have included a list of common uses for Reiki healing, although this list is by no means exhaustive:   

Pain relief, 


Physical ailments,

Post-surgery healing,

Chemotherapy side effects,

Anxiety, stress and eating disorders,




Panic attacks,


Low self-esteem,

Releasing old emotional wounds,

Encourages and supports positive personal habit change, such as improved diet and daily exercise,

May reduce the need for alcohol and tobacco.

What to Expect 

Before we start we will have a chat about any medical history that I might need to be aware of, the reason(s) as to why you have come for a Reiki treatment and any concerns that you may have. Please note any personal information given will be kept in strict confidence.  

The treatment itself will take place in the comfort of my home on a treatment couch, or sitting in a chair if you prefer. I will ask you to remove your shoes but otherwise you will remain fully clothed. Reiki has the tendency to make both the client and practitioner either hot or cold (or both!) during a session so I recommend wearing loose comfortable clothing with layers.

Once you are comfortable, I will play some relaxing music and connect to Reiki. I will then direct the healing energy to your main energy centres and any other points of concern, releasing blocked energy as I work. This can be done with either a hands-on or hands-off approach, whichever you prefer.    

The treatment itself, for most, is a deeply relaxing and calming experience. Many clients fall asleep, which is absolutely fine and in fact the most healing state. The experience is however a personal one and can also change treatment to treatment. You may feel only very subtle sensations or indeed very occasionally nothing at all, which is okay too – the healing is still taking place whether you sense it or not. More commonly clients report feeling heat from the practitioner’s hands, seeing vibrant colours or visions. You may find that you laugh or burp for example as negative energy is released. Sometimes memories from past experiences may arise which need healing. Whatever your experience, the benefits are undeniable and the experience of it for most is a beautiful and profound one.   

“I am bit cynical of all things spiritual so was a little concerned that I’d be wasting an hour but I cannot believe how wrong I was! The treatment was so relaxing, and made me experience things I truly didn’t expect. I literally FELT the energy, and at one point was convinced Kat was massaging me (turns out she didn’t touch me once). But above the physical experience, it was also mentally transformative. I am genuinely excited to try it again and can totally see how regular treatments would help with both physical and mental ailments. Highly recommend - just give it a go!”

Clare Gill - Shipping and Logistics Manager