
I originally came to Yoga for the physical workout but quickly discovered that the breath-to-movement also stilled my mind. As I commenced my studies I found a strong practice, coupled with the teachings of Yoga philosophy, brought me healing and I became passionate about bringing Yoga’s teachings to my students so it could do the same for them too.

Also being a Sound Therapist, Clinical Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner, I enjoy creatively interweaving these other healing disciplines into my soulful Vinyasa and Slow flows too.

Class Schedule


17:00 Vinyasa Flow - The Children’s Trust*

*For The Children’s Trust staff only. If you work at The Children’s Trust and would like to attend please contact me directly for more information.


13:30 Slow Soulful Flow - Oru Space Sutton

A balancing blend of breath, movement and postures. In this class you’ll get the chance to move slowly and mindfully through the movements, with opportunities to be still, observe the shifts in the body and embrace mindfulness. This class is suitable for all levels.

19:30 Creative Slow Flow Yoga - SHP Health 

Introducing a mindful and beautifully creative class designed specifically to cater to all levels of fitness and all levels of Yoga experience, including beginners and seasoned Yogi’s. The classes will focus on breath-to-movement, alignment, core strength, gentle flexibility, and Yoga philosophy. Kat teaches in levels so each posture is introduced slowly with instruction. Once learnt, further options are added in layers for those who with to explore or go deeper into a posture. Come join us and experience the benefits of Yoga in a safe and encouraging environment.  



14:30 Free Community Meditation - Oru Space Sutton

This free meditation is a chance to come together, reset and clear the mind after a busy week.

*I also teach additional cover classes at SHP Health and Oru Space Sutton. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for cover class announcements.  

Private Classes

 You can also hire me for private classes, either 1:1 or as a group, to teach at your office, hen party or event. For more details please contact me. 


“I’m new to yoga and not your typical yogi. Kat is extremely patient and makes adaptions for me. I have tried yoga a couple of times before but never found it right for me. An hour in class with Kat after a long day at work is very calming and a time for reflection. She is very caring and passionate about yoga and makes the classes interesting. I’m now addicted! Can’t recommend Kat enough.”

Tracy Poulton

Partnerships Manager

*Photo of Yoga class taken at SHP Health Studio.