
In the modern world we do not take enough time to relax. We are woken up abruptly by our alarms, we leave no time to daydream, and when we feel those natural lulls in the day, mid-morning and mid-afternoon, we power through with chocolate or a coffee.

Being in a relaxed state, and specifically a Theta brainwave state, is vital for human beings for a number of reasons. In this state our cells repair, our nervous system restores, we recover from stress and process grief. As our current lifestyles allow us very little time in this state, our cell regeneration can go awry and our stress and grief can go unchecked.

My Sound Baths are designed to encourage you to achieve a deep relaxed Theta state for the majority of the session, the result of which can be incredibly calming and nourishing for your whole system.

“This was my first time attending a Sound Bath and I would highly recommend one with Kat! I didn’t know what to expect but it was like a deep meditation without trying, and as someone who finds it hard to relax, I was extremely surprised how I drifted off without a care in the world! I definitely recommend to de-stress and relax, much needed in today’s busy life!”

Denise Harknett - Finance Manager